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Nier Replicant
Nier Replicant is an updated version of the original Nier on the PS3 for the PS4. It was developed by Toybox with some of Nier Automata...

Neo The World Ends With You
Neo The World Ends With You is a sequel to the original game, The World Ends With You which was released in 2008. It takes place 3 years...

Final Fantasy Tactics A2
A perfect rts for newcomers to the genre and for those who want to engage in the Final Fantasy series.

The World Ends With You

Parasite Eve
One of the most uncomfortable and terrorizing games i have in my ps1 collection but i really like it i like it alot.

SaGa Frontier
This is my first ps1 game and as someone who was born in the late 90s lets see how well does it compare to modern games.

The Bouncer
Square Enix meets gritty street culture.

Parasite Eve The Third Birthday
A cautionary tale of why its always best to stick to your core audience and to remain underground instead of doing something to appeal to th

Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7
The life and tragedy of Zack Fair an underlooked hero.

Drakengard 3
Just like every cancer of a game,manga and anime i have had given 2 or 1 stars i had to force myself not to off myself while playing this ga
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