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akiba's strip
Akiba’s Trip: Hellhound & Debriefed is a JRPG beat em up game that focuses on the main character in a Tokyo Ghoul like scenario where...

Fatal Frame V
Maiden Of Black Water is the latest entry in the Fatal Frame series. This game was actually a Japanese exclusive as the Fatal Frame...

monster hunter stories 2
Monster hunter stories 2 is a spin off sequel to the first game in contrast to the mainline games focusing on hunting, this series...

Disgaea 6
Disgaea 6 is the sixth entry of the Disgaea series. This game is the first using 3D graphics and while the art looks really nice and the...

World Ends Club
World’s End Club is the debut game of Too-Kyo games which comprises of ex-Daganronpa and ex-999 visual novel developers in collaboration...

Neo The World Ends With You
Neo The World Ends With You is a sequel to the original game, The World Ends With You which was released in 2008. It takes place 3 years...

The World Ends With You Anime
The World Ends With You is an anime adaptation of the video game of the same name. The story follows Neku who wakes up in the middle of...
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