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Princess Peach Showtime

Princess Peach Showtime is a spin off from the Mario games focusing on Princess Peach in her first solo game since Super Princess Peach. 

It focuses on Princess Peach being invited to a sparkle theather hosted by the Theets and it gets taken over by the Sour Bunch led by Grape and its up to Peach, to save the day. 

Not really the most original but certainly not a rehash of saving Mario as is the case with Super Princess Peach or Luigi’s Mansion. 

The music was pretty decent. 

The graphics and art were good and you can tell there is quite amount of inspiration from Persona 5 given the theatrical nature of both. 

The goal of the game is simple reach to the end solve some puzzles get some sparkles to reach to the bosses easy and thats pretty much where much of the replay value of the game comes from. 

Its a pretty easy and forgiving game to those new to platforming puzzle type games, and if you fumble alot  then you do have the chance to skip and complete the mission just in case. 

Theres a variety of costumes and plays to take part in my personal favorite being the sword fighting one. 

I heard the game had quite a bit of technical hiccups but i personally couldn’t really find any. 

The economy of the game is limited just really cosmetic bonuses for peach and the theater thats bout it. 

Its a fairly short game only about 2 days in my playthrough to finish it. 

Overall it was an alright game. 

It gets 4 out of 5 stars. 

Interesting how, Nintendo decided to bring peach back and Trace Memory back at the same year last year now honestly, if Nintendo keeps this up isntead of being lolcow peices of shit filing lolsuits everyday having dei programs that are beyond useless and telling their lolcow fanbase to fuck off and commit themselves to mental asylums forever then alot of good will would be brought back to them


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