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2024 christmas haul
Well its the end of the year now and with that here's what i got for Christmas. the game from the case is summon knight twin age and 7th...

Easter stuff 2024
Here's the stuff i got for Easter that i accumalated over the past few months. (not shown story of season 3ds) thats all for now!

holiday haul 2023
So as the year is ending heres what i got for christmas (thats how i found it at value village sadly) (not shown are code realze 2 games...

bday haul 2023
So my bday came around recently on july 4th and here's the highlights of what i got

easter haul 2023
and heres the stuff i got 4 easter. thats all for now!

xmas 2022 haul
Since xmas is around here's my pickups for the holidays. and thats all for now!

2022 bday haul
so my bday came around recently and ofc, i got lots of goodies 2 share as well. thats all the stuff for now and sorry if may take out...

(Late) Easter Haul
sorry for the slow activity lately been busy with a whole bunch of backlog stuff but will get back to reviews soon. yeah its mainly...

Holiday 2021 haul
Hey ya'll hope you had a good holiday season sorry about the inactivity as of late orz i was busy with piling up reviews so i can dump...
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