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Speed Grapher

Speed Grapher, is an anime original series by Gonzo studios. 

It was created due to inspiration of Japans own economic struggles and people doing really drastic measures just to get out of it and it was interestingly written by the same writer who did Dino Crisis 3 so you should expect to see the quality of the story going to be below average especially as time goes by since things just becomes more and more unbelievable to the point you really can’t have any form of suspension of disbelief. 

It focuses on the photographer Saiga getting caught up in a conspiracy that focuses on a secret underground fetish club, that has countless powerful people in Japan thats a part of it and trying to expose and stop the club from ruling all over Japan. 

The story is pretty much a carbon copy of Eyes Wide Shut but for a more modern context, lets use Jeffery Epstein and his own at the time, very powerful very dangerous crime ring. 

The main villain in the series is one part Epstein but another part Shougo Makishima with basically using his own fetish club to manipulate and ruin people as a result of their own fetishes and the story focuses alot on well, capitalism in a pretty bad light and how greed can well ruin anyone. 

Both Saiga and Suitengau the main villain both want to stop the corruption in Japan but they both have their own ways in doing so and they have a conflict thats really no different than Light vs L in death note or in the first season of psycho pass either. 

The action scenes were predictable and nothing really unique characters with unique abilities fight each other but in this case, its secret desires or fetishes especially sexual ones that Saiga fights against. 

The characters were average, so average honestly they just felt bland and occasionally pretty graty and serves more so to be just to keep the show going and thats really it. 

Ginza especially was really annoying and pretty much a good percentage of the humor came from her being so trigger happy and stalkerish it just became insufferable to watch through in addition to the childish temper tantrums they had.  

Kagura too she just kept getting kidnapped every few episodes and did nothing but really just run around and was especially overlyreliant on Saiga. 

The music was pretty good and it was certainly an interesting usage of Girls On Film by DuranDuran for the show. 

Theres alot of sexualized content in the show keep in mind and it makes sense  with the story it has. 

The animation was ok its pretty much average thats really it, otherwise i do appreciate how its focused mainly on hand drawn animation and no cgi in any of the scenes. 

The art was generally ok to but it just felt pretty cheap and under detailed in certain areas. 

Overall this was a below average show. 

It gets 3 out of 5 stars. 



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