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castlevania order of eclesia
Castlevania:Order of Ecclesia is the final game of the Castlevaniaseries for the DS,and it is also the more “recent” one in the mainline...

NANA Is Everything Controlled By The Great Demon King
Nana: Everything is controlled by a great demon king? is a video game spin off from the NANA series. It was developed by Konami and...

Castlevania Portrait Of Ruin
As if Corona Chan is going to stop me from doing reviews. Self isloating quarantine is just another day for us we'll all be fine just ke

Castlevania Symphony Of The Night
I am so perfectly content and comfortable with playing this game instead of the stupidity that Konami has made as of 2015. We're never g

Castlevania Dawn Of Sorrow
Part 11 of me looking at underground gothic cult fiction. I couldn't care less at all about the company that made this masterpiece on t

Time Hollow
Clockworks,Heartbreaks and somber realties of llife.

Metal Gear Revengeance
Nanomachines son!
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