
The series is developed by Spike Chunsoft and NIS and this is a port from the portable PlayStation consoles to the ps4 consoles.
In each story of the game the character is selected to be part of a elite high school called Hopes Peak Academy that is considered to be the best in the entire country and graduating means that they are set for life.
In each game a group of 16 students who are considered to be “ultimate's” those who are considered the best of the best in each respective field.
In the first game one character Makoto Nageuchi he is pretty much an average nobody he is considered to be the “Ultimate lucky” which really means that he is really one of a kind to be in the school despite his average background and average personality. So he is really no different initially to a typical Shonen character in a slice of life setting. Also he is something of a pushover as well to the more intimidating students. Sometimes he can be pretty gullible and too trusting and he has tendencies to pointing out the obvious. He also extremely idiotic and socially awkward when it comes to social interactions with others at times.
He only likes whatever is popular only because he is just indifferent about who he is in life and what kind of person he is going to be growing up. As a pacifist he goes for a more diplomatic and open minded approach to investigations and is willing to give the benefit of the doubt to suspects in most cases but this often can be more harmful then good. He is also way too over optimistic and always thinks that everyone is his friend.
In the second game a more realistic and cynical protagonist comes along the way and he is a lot more direct and blunt in contrast to Makoto Nagekuchi. His name is Hajime Hinata in contrast to the series characters he has no known “ultimate ability” shown for the time being but his peers do consider him to have high amounts of potential to doing great things. Particularly his guidance counselling abilities towards those he is close to and he really has no trust in others in initially and he lets his honest thoughts be known to what he really thinks about the people he is around.
He has amnesia and does not really remember how he ended up in the place that he is in along with every other student.
He is very nervous and insecure around the other ultimate students and he has a lot more negative opinion of them then Makoto did. He is also unafraid to call out on other ultimate students in his class for their own stupid mistakes and plotholes in their way of thinking unlike Makoto.
The third game introduces a misanthropic introvert protagonist Kaede Akamatsu behind her optimism and friendly disposition.
She is the ultimate pianist and a contestant in the Danganronpa reality snuff tv show called Monokuma Monokuma Hunter Killer.
Actually she was the false main protagonist the real one is Shuichi Saihara as the ultimate detective a insecure, socially awkward and sociopathic student.
He only sees himself as a ultimate just because he helped solve a cold case the police wasn't able to solve.
The second game is on a field trip to an tropical island where the new group of students are on a field trip to a tropical island.
It was supposed to be a event for peace and harmony and the students had no idea how they end up there
The third game this is the final killing game and this is a snuff reality tv show and the main cast for this game are sociopathic,misanthorpic and more vicious character than the last games.
The second game is a field trip that turns out to be a murder game once monokuma starts to take over.
The games is shown through a first person perspective moving around from place to place.
In the second game it introduces a side scroller mechanic where you can go from one island to the next and you can fast forward to speed it up.
The controls on the ps4 are easy to learn and familiar to those who have played the portable versions originally.
Both these characters share a surprising skill in intelligence and investigation and are very adept at befriending others and solving their own personal problems
In the school there is no contact at all in the outside world because in reality the outside world is filled with chaos and despair.
In the games the outside world there is a event known as The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History or “The Tragedy” for short.
In the outside world its filled with despair and chaos all over the world many people have died and the state of the world is a apocalypse.
All of the students parents were killed and some were even killed by their own children. Anarchy and destruction caused by supporters of despair runs rampart and there is no such thing as hope in the outside world.
The future foundation was eventually formed to stop despair and bring peace to the world.
It comprises of those who survive the first games events and their main goal is to stop the killing games and chaos.
They are more of a background role in the games and serves as supposedly the hero group of the series besides the surving students.
The story themes are mature and grim and the games are very emotionally driven.
It focuses on the concepts of hope and despair and how easily it can change from either emotions.
The main protaganists really can’t give into despair and neither can anybody but at the same time nobody can’t really escape in the situation they are in.
The game also focuses on the dark side of humanity and deception and how reality varies from one person to the other. In Danganronpa 3 it shows how really sick the human race can be and how reality television combined with sadism.
In the game even though the player knows its entirely fictional the characters think this world is the real world.
The game did went way too far with the hope beats all narrative as in reality both in game and real life it has to take determination and logic to survive a game like the killing game and optimism alone is not going to stop it.
The story of the game is a mixture of gothic elements,surrealism and murder mystery.
If the preparator is caught they are killed in a poetic and very ironic manner brutally and the deaths are related to their own personalities and which field they are considered “Ultimate” in.
If you think about one death in the game where one character is being put to the stake and set on fire is that the character would have wanted to die on their own terms in a extraordinary manner but in reality they went out the opposite way where the person died without any hope in their heart and it was by a way they did not wanted to be killed from.
Murder is the key design to the school system.
The only way to “graduate” is to kill another student without being caught.
Everyone has a different motive for being a killer whether its from desperation or vengeance or just by impulse no case plays out the same at all.
Anything goes when it comes to murder and none of its going to be quick or clean.
The games graphics in the ps4 version looks really well done and the textures and level design is highly detailed for the most part.
The background designs of the game looks fully well made.
The anime styled cutscenes are nicely animated and the art style of the game is dark and edgy as the story itself.
The character models were all very unique and not one character looked the same as the other.
You have 3 different difficulty modes in the game and depending on which you choose you get either less bullets or more bullets to choose from and class trials don’t give much hints.
As you explore and progress through the game more locations are opened up in the games.
You can fast travel from point to point when found a new area and this can also lead you to a nearby character you may want to be with.
The control system was easy to learn and it plays out like a point and click game.
The user interface of the game was very easy to use and go around you can read the profiles of characters and how your progress between relationships are so far.
In Danganronpa 3 you can now be able to change the color scheme and theme of the user interface.
You can also cross save between the vita and ps4 for Danganronpa 3 as well.
Cerebral and surreal does not even begin to describe how unorthodox the story can be. The games stories are more violent as time goes by and Danganronpa 3 is without a doubt the most violent and also the most psychologically disturbing.
The atmosphere tone can range from being a slice of life school simulator outside of the main story to a dark and edgy game of survival where characters die one by one in sadistic methods of execution.
The game has a lot of tragedy in it from backstories to how characters you care about dying you really never know that your friend could either be a killer or a victim.
The black comedy of the game was pretty sarcastic,morbid and its pretty funny and the game has a variety of topics to joke about and all of them are x rated.
One joke was when Makoto and Kyoko meeting in the bathroom for a meeting about what is going on and Monokuma shows up out of no where and considering how there is camera in the bathroom he goes on extremely graphic detail of what they were doing and the game also secretly mocks censorship laws as well with his graphic detail being bleeped out and it ends with “all over her”. Leaving to the players imagination of what kind of sexual activities allegedly that they were doing.
Another joke was also mocking Sonic The Hedgehog quite subtly also made by Monokuma.
Other common topics for dark jokes would be about grisly murder,suicide,bodily harm and sex.
Alot of plottwists in the game happens at the least expected moments and when they occur you really couldn’t believe that one such character can be capable of doing such murders.
One such twist was actually handled very well Chichiro was actually a crossdress disguising himself as a girl due to his inferiority complex and low self esteem. The character was not a check box to fill in just to push in a narrative not in the slightest possible way. You couldn’t even suspect that he was crossdressing due to how subtle his disguise was and the clues were subtle and not forced in at all either.
Instead of focusing on the obvious it instead focuses on the motive and why he was killed and nothing felt forced in at all.
That person you are friends with the next day could either end up being a victim to a brutal murder from another friend or that the person you befriended was the murderer all along.
With all of the main games together you get to enjoy a complete experience from start to finish and the story is pretty complicated so it does take a while to understand fully.
Most of the characters in the game are very unorthodox and they don’t fall into any clichés.
The character development as well is one of the best things about the stories of the game and its pacing as well its methodical as any murder mystery but it takes its time to set up the events instead of rushing it all out all at once.
The stakes in the story are very high as anybody can be killed at any moment.
The character chemistry between characters is varied and develops to either friendship or rivalry depending on how much you interact with characters.
Kyoko Kirigiri is one such character that I found to be very stand out in the series.
She is pretty thorough and analytical and her skepticism and her cold and calm demeanor means that she never jumps to conclusions and she never takes anything at all at face value.
She takes her own time doing things at her own pace instead of rushing things along and she is very sensitive and introverted as part of her personality and despite her personality aspects she is actually a deeply loyal and kind friend to others and she is deeply disturbed by the events of the game.
The reason why for her cold nature is to protect herself from being deceived from others and the fact that she wears gloves all the time is a reminder to never let her guard down at all times.
Nagito Komaeda was another standout character in the games.
He is one part laid back and friendly but the other part very elusive and mysterious.
He is not on one side nor the other he works his own agenda being for the side of “hope”. He has a very insightful way of thinking and he is actually really smart and good at investigating.
Friendship building is a important element if you want to survive in the game.
You can give your friends gifts from time to time during free time and this can either deepen your friendship or sour it depending on the gifts you have as each character has their own preferences.
As you befriend the other students more entries are given to the tablet you have and you learn more about their own personal life and what makes their personality on what they are.
Its one on one hangouts where you and your friend get to know each other and figure out what there goals are and what they plan on doing after escaping.
Multiple choice questions are given and selecting the right answer helps progress the friendship building.
In Danganronpa 2 its given more depth into it.
Hopeshards are used to purchase skills in Danganronpa 2 they are given to you at certain points of getting to know your friends its what used to unlock new abilities in the future games.
You can also pass time during these free time events by staying in bed instead.
At certain points of the game “happyheart events” occurs where one of your friends confides in you and you have to counter your friend self doubts and solve their own personal issues.
It also appears in Danganronpa 2 with the same kind of mechanic.
This is exclusive for the school mode in Danganronpa games outside of the main stories.
In the next two games it introduces rpg mechancs where you can earn experience points by interacting with characters,objects and walking about in the world.
This increases your health and focus meter during class trials.
There is also a pedometor as well to check how much steps you have taken during the game.
Monokuma is a love to hate type of character his playful and high pitched upbeat voice and his sadistic and cheerful personality and tone. He is the mascot of the series.
His goal is to help spread chaos and despair to the world and what better way then to do so by placing a twisted game of murder.
He serves as the headmaster of hopes peak academy.
His puns,timing and random appearances are just so unexpected and destroying one means another will show up.
He appears out of nowhere either is meant to help or hinder you during your story.
He is a master of blackmail and nobody dares trying to cross him.
His monokuma theater between cutscenes in the game has him describing the morbid fascinations of humanity and the kind of things they would do under dire circumstances.
He comes up with all kinds of motivations to get people to kill each other and get away with it. One such method was blackmail with embarrassing secrets broadcasted to the entire world and another method is using 10 million yen. Like Makoto Naegi being a bedwetter in grade 5.
In the second game he infects the characters with a Despair virus as another such attempt to make the characters kill each other.
He even does meta works such as creating and producing a film based on a upcoming murder. He even uses a obscure ps1 game made by Suda51 Twilight Syndrome as the plot basis to the next murder motive and he even uses Suda51’s unorthodox techniques to progressing through the story. Pressing down button twice will give you the true story of Twilight Syndrome instead of what is presented and this gives you more ideas of what kind of clues will you discover in the chapter.
He also resides as the judge during class trials and he comes up with the punishments.
His sense of humor is one of the highlights of his character and he has many of the best jokes in the game.
No matter how many copies of him are destroyed he will always come back to torment anybody.
The musical score in the game is dark and brooding as the story and atmosphere itself making it perfect for the type of game it is.
The games voice acting for the most part is really great and very believable.
The story dialogue in the games is very well written and it can be very hilarious.
One part of the game in Danganronpa V3 Kokichi he called Miu a “cum dumpster” during the class trial and she gets sexually aroused over the comment.
It also even gets away with other x rated jokes about “Squeezed out the baby but don’t know who the father is” and “being filmed jerking off while being a cuck”. Another joke was about “Its like searching for the perfect porno film” as many different instances of the x rated humor the game has.
The loading times in the game was instant and quite seamless and there was no glitches mostly in the game making it run from a very smooth performance. The only glitch I noticed was a minor save glitch error where you load up the new save during class trials and the screen is blacked out and you need to visit chapter select in order to see the screen.
Occasionally during dialogue its highlighted in purple text which means you have to press triangle to react to it. This sets off a chance to learn more about a certain event or find out a key clue to the puzzle.
Deadly days happens after a few days of school life has passed.
It occurs when a classmate is found killed and in the game it investigation starts when 3 or more people discovers the body.
These places mostly occur in the new areas that have been unlocked.
Monokuma files are given as a report of evidence collected and events of what happened.
You have to investigate around the school to find clues and each clue is very important for the story.
You also have to talk to other witnesses to see their accounts to make sure if they are the killer or not.
You need to pay very close attention to the dialogue and investigate the crime scenes and the location you are in very thoroughly as the clues are not going to be obvious.
The game encourages critical thinking and figuring out how to solve puzzles for yourself.
After each clue is given it is used a truth bullet during the class trial.
In the third game it introduces smacking objects where you need to press a certain object a few times in order to figure out something that was hidden in it.
When you gather all of the evidence class trial will occur before you can go to a class trial you can review the evidence and set which special ability you would like to use during the trial.
Class trial is when all of the surviving party members discuss on what has happened based upon what they have found and determine who is the true killer and what was the motive behind it. The main suspect is considered the blackened and once the proof shows that suspect is the killed the guilty blackened gets killed in a extremely ironic and poetic type death and they are filled with despair and fear during these deaths.
There is a time limit to class trials if you make any mistakes like shooting the wrong statement to counter argue the time limit drops.
Its broken up into multiple parts of each case.
There is non-stop debate where the characters discuss the events on how it happened and the characters talk rapidly without really any pause. Mass Panic Debate in Danganronpa 3 is where more than one party member gives their own recount of the story and you have to shoot the right truth bullet to combat against the other party members argument. Sometimes the right statement is lockout so you need to shoot the contradicting statement to unlock the right statement.
Text is highlighted from whenever a character has a made a certain point and you have to shoot it in case it’s either a lie or a poorly proven made point.
White noise does happen later in the game it distracts you from hearing the characters talking points and you need to use a silencer to remove the white noise. If you accidentally hit a talking point then time will be reduced.
Eventually you will need to reload during the later trials in case you miss the right targeted word.
Multiple choice questions give you the chance to restore a bit of health .
Similarly you also need to go through the monokuma file to also answer a question given to you abnd you need to select the right piece of evidence.
Some questions you have to select bullet evidence from the monokuma file and you need to hold the triangle button on a certain statement then later use it to shoot another statement.
Sometimes you are given more than one truth bullet and you have to choose the right one to shoot at the statement whether you agree or you need to prove it wrong.
There is parts when you notice a statement that is either a lie or poorly made assumption you have to use your truth bullet to counter argue their statement.
These are highlighted in blue instead of orange.
In Danganronpa 3 it uses reverse psychology methods in class trials where you are going to have to lie in order to defend yourself by holding the triangle button and shooting it at the statement.
Hangmans gambit is another important aspect of the trial.
You are given a word but there is missing letters you need to shoot the marked letters to spell out the right word.
Debate scrum in Danganronpa 3 is where two parties in class trial discuss the scenario and you need to find a contracdictorial statement and counter it with the objective truth.
At the end it reaches to a button mashing moment where you have to press the right button in order to combat the argument.
This is called argument armament in Danganronpa 3 or in the previous 2 its bullet time battle.
You eventually at the end have to press the right button combination to use to combat against the juor’s denial.
Pressing the slow down button unlocks fever time which allows you to get mostly accurate scores and the main goal is to weaken the opponents armor in order to deliver the final blow.
At higher difficulty settings you may need to choose more than one bullet.
The concluding statement is where you have to remember how did the murders play out.
Then comes the final part where the concluding statement is made where you have to organize the events in linear order by selecting the right puzzle pieces In a manga styled comic book.
This is done from right to left per Japanese manga book style.
Completing it gives you a full idea on how the events happen in a chronological manner.
After each trial you are graded based on how well you did and the higher the grade the more Monokuma coins you can earn.
Class trials are very fast paced,intense and deadly affairs and they are the best highlights in the series.
Keep in mind certain aspects like white noise,how many bullets and the amount of time and reloading does not appear in the lower difficulty gentle.
The endings of the game often leaves you with ambiguous questions to regarding with your own personal self and makes you wonder about what do you think which is real and which is fiction and how do you see yourself in should the events happen to you in real life.
Danganronpa’s 3 ending just left a lot of questions and it feels like a cliffhanger and all of the terrible things was just for nothing and them denying what has happened just made it felt more silly. The other endings felt more cliched falling into the line of hope overcomes all instead of showing a more realistic ending.
The story of the game is overall completely engaging from start to finish.
The games has a lot of extra content added into the ps4 port especially in the third game which had really good fanservice.
In Danganropa 2 finding all of the monokuma dolls will lead to one massive surprise. Also in Danganronpa 2 there is a tomogachi pet simulator where you can periodically take care of a digital pet and they eventually evolve to multiple different forms and give you a present depending on how well you treated them.
When you beaten Danganronpa 2 you can also read an alternate retelling of the first game in a manga format Danganronpa If.
The death road of display after you beaten Danganronpa 3 is a platforming mini game with a extremely difficult challenge level on purpose in which you and the other students have to escape various traps in order to get out of the school.
After you beaten the game school mode and island mode unlocks where in a non canon mode you can befriend those you may have missed in the previous playthrough. In school mode you are given 50 days to build backups of monokuma.
The main goal of each mode is to form close bonds with your fellow classmates. You also need to find cleaning products to help keep the school clean failure to do so will take up an entire day wasted. You need to find materials to create the monokuma backups.
You can check back to the monokuma chart from time to time to see your relationship progress with your classmates.
There is multiple endings based on which student you are close too.
Trip tickets are given to you periodically the more monokuma backups you built.
In Dangonronpa 3 its called Love Across The Universe where it plays out as a more slice of life oriented game.
Minigames are revamped and different from another to each of the sequels and are given improvements as well.
The game has a lot of mini games in it.
Ms Monomis mini game in Danganronpa 2 focuses on how she managed to defeat the monkuma beasts in order to unlock the other parts of the island.
You can choose the type of clothing and magic stick she uses each with its own benefits and you have to run around in a circle to cast the spell to defeat the enemy.
There is also the casino in Danganronpa 3 where you can exchange monocoins for extra skills and gifts and also play with the casino machines.
There is plenty of Easter eggs to discover in the games.
The amount of replay value it has is very high to see how else can the story unfold and you can replay chapters anytime you like.
You can rewatch cutscenes and certain events occurring in the game and you can go through the transcript anytime during the game to look through on any clue you might have find in the dialogue.
You can listen to audio clips of characters and music if you wish. You can change the language to Japanese or English if you want.
The games even comes with a art booklet to look at as a extra bonus for having a physical copy and you can also look at in game art as well.
Ultimate development plan is completely different to the mainline gameplay for the series.
Its focused on turn based jrpg mechanics and its played out like a board game.
You can level up the students during Ultimate Development Plan to increase their stats and abilties effectiveness.
Its gameplay is similar to Monopoly and its mainly focused on developing friendships with other Danganronpa characters.
You can also play in the arcade as well in the basement of the School in Danganronpa 3.
You can also collect cards of the Danganronpa series characters in card game dispense machine to use to gain special advantages in Ultimate Development Plan.
The games do share a pattern of flaws but I am not going to be rating it down just because it has x rated content in it it mainly has to do with the story and some of the gameplay aspects.
There is also plenty of padding and filler where nothing really happens and the story drags on longer then it should take.
It can feel a bit too linear in game play and the plot may be predictable at times. Character development does not really have that much of an effect on the main story making it feel pointless.
Not every character in the game is that likable and some can be pretty cliched and pretentious and are more harm then helpful but not in a good way.
Byakua Togami for example he is really nothing more than the typical spoiled rich kid and his own arrogance and condescending tone and inability to work with others is a big hinderance in the game. He is also very dismissive of others own talents in investigation and intelligence and even scoffs at them right at their faces. He also is very ungrateful as well.
He treats everyone that’s part of the 99% to be no more than just people below him and he really enjoys bragging about his families own success to put down others for fun. Even after the events of the game he is still can be just as insufferable as before. He has a habit of jumping into conclusions and despite his wealthy upbringing and education he tends to make really rash and dumb decisions. He also really enjoys provoking people unnecessarily and his callousness is one of the biggest downfalls of his personality and he was one of the most annoying characters I have seen in the game and at the end of the day he can be just as bad as Monokuma or Junko and he could be considered the main villain of the story as well if Monokuma or Junko wasn’t there due to how egotistical and vicious he is.
He even goes as far to alter a crime scene just to push the classmates into getting themselves more confused then they already are his reasoning just for his own amusement to see if they are worth for him. His belief the 99% of the world will never be able to do anything and him being used to having things his own way is one of his biggest problems of his character and his lack of self accountability as well.
The monokuma cubs are really just cliched and not that different from one another in Danganronpa 3.
Their humor was not as good as Monokumas humor and they always get in the way of investigations.
Another really annoying character was Taka in Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc he was not only really loud but he was very holier than thou and he is very pushy with his beliefs. He is even pretty hypocritical as well as he even defended a murder suspect that was obviously guilty and despite being some of responsibility he refused to hear out on why his friend was guilty and he even seen his friend as a saint.
Mondo in Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc is really no different to the common thug and he was very much a punk to everyone around him like Makoto and he is very cowardly as well.
Their friendship felt forced in and done at the last minute as at the end Mondo gets executed for killing Chihiro due to Mondo envying the fact he had the courage to admit the fact that Chihiro is a crossdresser and had the ability to admit his own flaws.
The one scene as well with Taka merging in personality with Mondo also felt last minute and this is only done so briefly as he ends up being dead as well.
Hiyoko Saionji is really a carbon copy of Byakua in the first game and just like him she is a annoying sadistic spoiled rich kid and even after the Danganropa 2’s events she is just as pretentious and annoying as before.
She also barely contributes to the story and causes alot of harm then help and she really enjoys putting down others.
Even with her tragic backstory and the characters doing whatever they can to help her she is still pretty annoying and useless to the main plot and still does treat the characters like they are nothing.
She also has a pretty sick sadistic streak to innocent animals that didn’t did anything to her as well.
Some characters even barely contribute to the main plot of the story and are just there.
Yasahiro the ultimate clairvoyant is a slacker and also really unintelligent and cowardly. His comedy also tends be the weakest in the game as much of its really just superstitious cries for help. He even begs others to do his own dirty work for him. His ability as well was of no effect to the story.
He also has a lot of gaps in logic as well as seen in class trials where he makes a bunch of poorly made statements.
HImiko in Danganronpa 3 as well has a useless ability that plays no part in the game as well being the ultimate mage and she like Yasahiro was really lazy and sometimes did not even knew how her own abilties work.
Toko Fujawra aka Genocide Jack she also barely contributes to much of the main plot of the story and she spends more time fawning over Byakuka and running away from crime scenes in most cases.
Not to mention her timing for her humor is at the wrong place at the wrong time and it doesn’t help break in any tension instead it’s the opposite. A lot of the games humor as well was timed at the wrong place as it did not fit during serious moments and the tension is still there.
Occasniasiolly investigations get distracted by pointless bickering between characters insulting each other. There is also a lot of padding and filler as well in the story due to the unnecessary bickering.
Also letting a serial killer like Genocide Jack be free is not a good idea and she also really belongs in prison considering the amount of people she has killed due to her sick obsession with love. Another killer Maki she also gets off scot free as well for her own gruesome murders outside of the school and the story part about her learning self kindness and empathy to others despite her actions is really not a good idea plotwise as she an extremely dangerous character to be around.
She is also just as irredeemable as well as she would kill anybody for trivial things and also, she murders innocent people. That also does include children as well. Both also jump into conclusions and would kill anybody for petty reasons.
Maki also had the nerve to insulted Shuchi’s investigative abilities and intelligence and wanted him to confirm into her own way of thinking or else be killed. Her being the main character from support all of the sudden did felt a bit forced in as she did not had much interaction with the other cast.
Maki even hypocritically states that Shuchi is always making it suspect that his friends are the killers when she does the same thing as well when she is also very paranoid of others due to her own personality.
Both also were not very helpful during investigations too and both in general are really nothing more than psychopaths. Maki was really nothing more than a Tsundere sterotype and Genocide Jack is nothing but a Harley Quinn knockoff.
There were certain parts of the story that was not fully elaborated on or left unexplained.
You have to also read the manga to learn more about Kyoko’s past like how she has gotten her scars and watch the anime relating to the story events as well and play Ultra Despair Danganronpa. You even need to watch the Danganronpa 3 anime as well to know what else happened to the surviving hope’s academy students. Also there is Ultra Despair Girls that explains a lot of what has happened during the main story.
D.I.C.E and the cult that Maki is involved in Danganronpa 3 is clear that they are involved in very shady activities that are on the same level of danger that the killing game is and its not clear what their goals are who they really are as well.
If you played the game for a while by now you could already predict how characters are going to brutally die.
In terms of gameplay design the funhouse in Danganronpa 2 in chapter 4 was very overly bright,cramped and easy to get lost in.
Despite the music being great in Danganronpa 3 tracks often repeat itself more often then it normally should.
The voice acting in some parts of the game lacks variety as the characters often sound no different from each other in Danganronpa 3 come to think of it some characters and their traits can be recycled onto others feeling no different from another. In fact many of the voice actors of the game also voiced other characters in other Danganronpa games as well using the same speaking style and tone.
Hifumi and Teruteru were both felt completely the same not just in voice acting but also terms of personality and traits as well like perverted behavior.
In fact many of the characters in Danganronpa 2 felt the same as the original characters in the first game.
Fuyhiko Kuzuyruza and Mondo for example are both ill-tempered easily irritable and ready to fight others and both are just cowardly punks at the end of the day.
Chikan and Chichiro were really not that different in terms of technology skill and both were look heavily similar in appearance and not much in personality.
Sonia Nevermind in Danganronpa 2 was really nothing more than a hybristophile and a ditzy socialite and was very naïve and can be too gullible.
Akane was really another carbon copy character as well. She was extremely similar to Aoi Hishina in the first game with both being talented athletes both having the same energetic personality and also they both share an extremely similar appearance as well.
Maihru and Tenko were both carbon copies of the action heroine stereotype and were also readily easily to make false accusations on anybody just because they don’t like them and they can be very easily misled and manipulated for others own misdeeds due to their own bias towards the opposite gender.
Both also shared the same kind of impulsive tendencies and outbursts as well.
She had a habit of being too easily distracted and off topic frequently.
Kazukchi Soda was extremely similar to Yasahiro with both being cowardly and too laidback about the situation. Not to mention he spent a lot of time stalking Sonia and complaining but he is more helpful in investigations unlike Yasahiro.
Some of the characters did felt underdeveloped and really did not had much to contribute to the story.
Sayaka for example she had really not much personality in Danganronpa 1 other than just be a sweet genki J-Pop Idol girl.
Mikan Tsumiki she had the same kind of personality as Sayaka but in Danganronpa 2 she is pretty much just there for fanservice and her voice along with Sayaka’s are both not really that different. Her fanservice was pretty uncomfortable and out of place and even though I have no problem with fanservice in most cases this just felt unnerving and more like bullying.
The game does have a lot recycled assets and animations.
A warning to anybody who has a history of seizures the series uses a lot of neon and because of how super bright it is you may end up blind.
The games itself overall I find this series to be one of the best visual novels I have played on the ps4.
It gets about 5 stars out of 5.
This game to be brutally honest I find to be completely better of a visual novel experience then I had with the silver case games. Buy this game if you are really into murder mystery and visual novels especially ones that can be very x rated.
I really do look forward to seeing where else does the game go from here and how does Too-Kyo games plan on creating another Danganronpa game with Spike Chunsoft one day.