Project X Zone

Project X Zone is a Namco Bandai, SEGA and Capcom crossover strategy jrpg series with some elements of fighting games. The game is a spiritual successor to the Japan only Namco X Bandai for the PS2. The game has a wide assortment of characters from the various developers and some from not so well known series, Xenosaga being a case in point. There are sixty playable characters.

It is a very long game but also the one where you have to just keep going forward without replaying previous chapters to get an extra chance to grind. Levels will take quite a while to finish obviously considering how much that happens during the game. There is a lot of inside humor between franchises, something you wouldn’t see within the Smash games.
The Cross Active Battle System has various button combinations which deliver various attacks. Pressing the A button with the Circle Pad allows for five basic attacks. There are other attacks like Support Attack which allows the player to call for support. Cross His freezes the enemy while being attacked by more than one unit. When the player inflicts damage on the enemy, the Cross Power(XP) gauge fills up and be used for attacks and defense.
The story is not that interesting. Something called a Portalstone has been stolen and the myriad characters from the many developers suddenly appear and move around without a clue as to what they are supposed to accomplish. Characters can move around freely on the field map. There seems to be no loyalty amongst the various characters without any clear reasons as to what motivates them to behave the way they do. It was confusing and pointless.
The graphics and art are pretty decent and the music was very good as well.
Overall, the game was decent.
It gets 4 out of 5 stars.