Do you prefer original musicalscores or liscenced soundtracks in video games

Pretty seldom asked question, so why not give it a go on my personal take on things.
For me personally especially these days, i lean moreso to original scores of music. Case in point anything original like how The World Ends With You did for their own music having it entirely original based on the style the game is going for.
Also the orchestral stuff that comes from composers like Yoko Shimoura Mitsdua Yasunori or Nobuo Uemetsu is just pure perfection like you can’t imagine jrpgs without them thats how amazing they are.
Plus basically they’re billons times better over todays music absolutely in any fucking day period end of fucking discussion.
Are there downsides unfortunately there is what goes up sadly has to come down, mainly enshitification literally every cocksucker cause of ATLUS is fucking jazz music hipsters and god fucking forbid you listen to jpop cause of it being too weeb like.
Popularity always fucking ruins things hipsterism is just puritanical elitism over whos better than anyone for ironic acceptance in other words a bootlicker last man shill who should be filled up with hollow tips thats what it is. Side note, the amount of jrpg music in that Tokyo Olympics long while back is one huge mistake considering how much normalfags will find out bout stuff like Nier Automata or KH and it becomes touristbait traps as they all are these days once shit gets popular unfortunately.
So yeah, as a compromise i stick to jrpg music that i like sure but stuff that hasn’t been enshitfieid.
Now on the opposite side of things, here’s my own personal well outsider lonewolf these days but all for the better as a side note lol on licensed music.
Back in the day, it was amvs and nightcore hence how i learned bout linkin park but outside of that, Halestorm through a future diary amv was how i learned both bout the anime,band and unfortunately dere types specifically yanderes.
Before i pretty muchjust noped out of youtube comments and avoid it like the plague, i kept seeing so many tourists normalfags, getting into metal through video games now i know games like brutal legend cater to that demographic but heres the thing, its not a Japanese game, its a western goyslop cynical ploy to get Jack Black’s own leftist obese ass out there just to shill for his own damn movies in collaboration with EA.
Also not everything is meant for everyone, even those who listen to metal themselves, theres no way you’d hear a portal song or dsbm song on a video game either its just not meant to be.
Black metal is obviously not easy to get into and its something of an acquired taste for those venturing deep through the iceberg and theres no a normalfag could handle black metal they just can’t instead its pretty much thot brainwashing and grooming from shit like oliva rodrigo billie ellish and sabrina carpenter and taylor swift they are pretty much exactly the type of artists that would make dead go even more brutal than the way he did when he off himself back in the day.
So one of the biggest reasons why its not really my cup of tea is yeah enshitification of things when normalfags start getting their claws onto whatever is trendy till they move to the next thing to fuck up its as simple as that. Liked listening to Type O Negative well tough shit, now you’re unfortunately stuck with Justin Bieber.
Then comes how it doesnt fit the soundtrack, like EA games apparently have some weird ass indie hipster pop for need for speed of all fucking things from all things but then again its EA the king of enshitification long with feminists and modern women dont be surprised when shit hits the fan why your favorite ip is now digital aids these days.
Also another thing, too the amount of annoying comments to i remember used to seeing like this artist is underrated or what not even if the vid has like 100k views or even a million views vice versa to for subscribers too like it was so fucking annoying pretty much proves dead internet theory correct like if you were that so fucking concerned about your parasocial relationship being underrated then MAYBE BUY THE FUCKING CDS INSTEAD OF BITCHING BOUT HOW UNDERATED THEY ARE.
Plus with the amount of artists that get their works in other normalfag music games theres no fucking way at all you can call them underrated. They literally would kill rape and steal just to get their own fucking music out there for normalfag games by normalfag musicians too.
Then there's also license expirations too like its a thing for the pc and another huge factor to why apparently there isn’t another def jam fighting game because of the copyright ownership disasterpiece laws that goes on too apparently. So hope you got your original copy of the game left physically still but thats for the legal side of things i have 0 knowledge of other than the surface level so I'll just leave it at that.
So yeah, thats pretty much my take on it and i honestly never got into music through normalfag stuff, its pretty much on my own through the iceberg as is not through normalfag stuff like licensed video games,grand theft auto or the shovelware shit ubisoft and ea was pushing back during the 2000s.
What are your thoughts on this anything you want to expand on or talk bout what music you found about? Let me know.